6 Proven Revision Tips And Strategies For School Students

6 Proven Revision Tips And Strategies For School Students

Revision is a means to ensure clarity of concepts and contents for an exam or for anyone seeking to learn with complete clarity. But it is necessary we question what precisely is revision or what is its relevance? We can answer this better when we understand ‘Revision’ to be simply an act of reading or learning something repetitively. This suggests that before starting to revise, the portion to revise or read again should be studied at the least once. So this blog primarily talks about the different revision tips for anyone looking for a clarity of concept or study materials.

1. Organising The Study Materials

Organize your workspace and study materials first is one of the most important revision tips. Organizing the workspace would primarily include keeping away all “entertainment gadgets” out of sight and organizing study materials would include determining the order of what to read first.

2. The Revision Schedule

 A Revision schedule that is inclusive of the varieties of topics is supremely important and one of the revision tips to ensure consistency. Which also will emphasize upon ample amounts of breaks and time delegated to each topic.

3. Answer And Use Questions From Past Papers

This really helps a means to rightly identify a selected portion that is there to follow. it helps to restrict and channelize more of your focus on to parts. And also the portions that have been repeatedly dedicated questions to. This helps revise the important bits which helps in clarity of concepts and also enables you to score better. This is one among the revision tips and strategies people greatly adhere to.

4. Increase The Number Of Times You Revise

It is proven to be more effective to repeat the number of times you revise a certain portion than spend an awful lot of time on a particular part of it. Again this goes hand in hand with following the delegated time in your revision plan.

5. Use Of Charts, Diagrams And Index Cards

Summarizing the notes you have prepared prior or the highlighted bits of what you did study to make charts, diagrams and index cards helps in easier access to the material. And also making sure to constrict the portion to attractive visual diagrams and charts helping to memorize it better. This tip to revise can really help a large chunk of the portion to be restricted to charts, diagrams holding collective information.

6. Create Contrasts And Links Between Different Areas Of Portions

Try to create certain links and contrasts between the different areas of portions or syllabus. This will help in identifying and remembering everything with more ease.


To revise accurately there is a need to carefully strategize and adhere to different revision tips and tricks. This blog is all you need to assist you to do that diligently. To bring in a sense of discipline with a revision plan and ensure efficient use of time in doing the same. So try going through the 6 tricks for you to thrive in systematically preparing and revising for your exam week.